A year ago, Christians howled in outrage when they discovered that transgender Americans dared to…

It’s Odd How Blasphemies Are Punished By Humans, Not By Spirits
Religious zealots are always warning other people that their blasphemies against the One True Faith…

Christian Nationalist Calls For Torture Of Atheists and Blasphemers Under Donald Trump
Donald Trump’s movement of Christian Nationalism aims to force the United States to the violent…

Christians Worshipping the Smartphones of Baal
Exodus 20:3-4 (NIV): “You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make…

Were Jesus And George Washington Secret Homosexual Lovers?
It’s a ridiculous idea to suppose that Jesus and George Washington could have ever shared a torrid homosexual love affair. It is equally silly to argue that the ancient mythology of the Bible has anything to do with the profoundly humanistic philosophy of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Are Fortune Cookies Blasphemous Witchcraft?
What are the boundaries of blasphemy? Christian Nationalists get in a tizzy about blasphemy, but…

Italian Christian Violence Over Painting Of Jesus Getting A Blowjob
All the painting actually shows is a dead Jesus with a man leaning over him, from an aerial perspective. The man could be simply looking at the corpse, or laying it down.

Is Donald Trump God Or Is It The Other Way Around?
They say that Donald Trump has an Army Of God. How is that not blasphemy? Are Christians cool with the blasphemy of the Trump campaign?

Blasphemy With Artificial Intelligence
People have many valid concerns about generative artificial intelligence, but there’s one aspect of the…

The Offense of Yahaya Sharif-Aminu
Yahaya Sharif-Aminu is facing death for daring to share somebody else’s words that challenged the authority of religion.