To Celebrate Blasphemy

One person’s sacrilege is another person’s freedom.

It is in the defense of fragile liberty that we gather the blasphemies displayed on these pages.

Some might protest that we are pursuing freedom for the sake of freedom, speech for the sake of speech, offense for the sake of offense. We are, in fact, motivated by a higher purpose, but what if these accusations of superficiality were true? Even then, our mission would be preferable to faith for the sake of faith, rules for the sake of rules, obedience for the sake of obedience.

It is in transgression of traditional codes that our culture adapts to changing conditions. A society that cannot tolerate dissent will be too stiff to survive.

We celebrate blasphemies because they represent the frontiers of knowledge and insight. For those who are courageous enough to look, they reveal opportunities for a better life.